Oh my gosh, feeding my 3rd baby was an absolute joy.
I didn't feed my first on the boob (many reasons as to why!) and regretted it so when number 2 came along we gave it a go. It took us days to get to grips with it, god it was hard!! We lasted 8 weeks solidly boobing then moved to combi. I stopped boobing at 12 weeks. I was burnt out with 2 under 18 months and just couldn't cope. It was heartbreaking but we were all a lot happier for it. I felt like I didn't get any of the good hormones people spoke of!
So when number 3 came along I wanted to boob again. The moment she came earthside she latched! It was the most glorious moment I have ever experienced ❤️
I had the first 2 close together and a gap of 5 years between 2 and 3. I wasn't as knackered, the birth of number 3 was by far the best experience, so when she latched it was the icing on the most incredible cake. I've honestly never felt anything like it. Pure magic ❤️