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Lauren's Story

Writer: Breastfeeding JournalBreastfeeding Journal

Breastfeeding Journey:

Mum of two 6 & 1.

With my first I wanted to BF so I went to a class, it was helpful in some ways but they said they’ll only need feeding every two hours and it should just naturally work.

After a traumatic labour my baby latched straight on but it felt like he just cried all the time! I’d feel for 20 minutes and then leave for 2 hrs and couldn’t understand why he was always crying by the end of week 1 I gave up, and we gave him formula and my baby became a ‘normal baby’ I express for a month. I could get 7oz from each breast so I couldn’t understand why he was alway sad, now having baby two I see the mistakes I made and the information I wasn’t given, I feel guilty.

Skip onto baby number 2 with advised from mums who has gone through it, instagram helping giving proper advice, it work and I bloody loved it, milk on tap!

I had a C-section with my second so I really wanted to BF to get that bond, he was a dream I fed every-time he cried for the first month (unless it was dirty nappy) and it worked! We used an osteopathic when he was a week old due to his position in the womb, that eased him when feeding.

He fed well but would sometimes pop off, I had cracked nipples (the purple nipple cream is magic!) so went to the local BF clinic these midwives were amazing, they really helped they looked and discussed everything.

He got looked at for suspected tongue tie, he had a mini one and we decided not to cut it as it was 50:50 he’d grown out of it in a few weeks, which he did but was so helpful, I was able to use different positions for that time.

I alway used the boob he didn’t like the most first then on to his favourite, he did an average of a 30 minute feed each time. I used and an app which timed his feeds, I went to bed with him every night which was really helpful (yes my eldest got less time with me but I was a better mum for it) I got more sleep. And by 4 weeks he was only waking for 1 feed in the night, I used the milk catchers as I leaked when I fed, I could make a 7oz bottle by the end of the day.

I didn’t really express as I was always with him. But 4 months in he was waking again so I did bring in one formula bottle at 5pm and he had his bedtime feed from me a slept through.

He naturally stoped but 5.5 months, I wasn’t going to push it.

Two babies to different experiences, my advise, FED IS BEST, if you’re wanting to BF try and give it ago but don’t put pressure on yourself, it’s hard but so worth it once it clicks, remember everyone woman and baby of different, also for those first few weeks just feed when they’re cry, if they’re not hungry they won’t eat.

To every mum on there BF journey well bloody done, if it’s 1 feed or 1 million you’ve done amazing!


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