My experience was relatively positive but had the usual hiccups & judgements like us all. My journey started in the labour ward after my daughter was born with the midwife asking ‘so are you feeding yourself or bottle?’ The empowerment in that moment to say ‘oh feeding myself’ was a level of assurity and confidence I didn’t realise I had in me.
To say I pressed the nurse call bell every time I went to latch on may seem an exaggeration but I really did. I got over the thought of ‘I might be annoying them to I want this to work and I need all the help I can get’. Coming home was so exciting but I felt like I had two left hands and woke my husband at every feed that night because I felt so unsure how to feed correctly. The rugby ball hold was a sure winner for me in the end.
The exhaustion, tears, happiness, anxiety & pure love were all felt at every waking hour but as soon as I started to feed my daughter the world around me became quiet & our safe bubble grew. I loved it.
Looking at all her tiny features and soaking up every aspect of her little body and how such a tiny person can allow this level of love.
I became great friends with a fellow breastfeeding mum at a cafe and having her support and laughing at some of our struggles continues to get me through everyday as mummy. I feel so lucky to have been able to breastfeed & reflect on it and smile. However I remain to never forget the exhaustion & listening to Dario G Sunchyme to help my daughter settle to sleep.
Good luck with your breastfeeding journey. You’re incredible for everything you’re doing & it takes a village. I have breast milk in the freezer so if we’re blessed to have a second baby I can have a piece of jewellery made with both breast milk.