I feel so blessed to have fed both my boys. When I was pregnant with my first I knew it was something that was very important to me. My little boy latched perfectly and fed like a dream. On demand really does mean on demand, he fed every 1.5-2hrs for roughly 6 months, it was exhausting but I was completely determined to get to 6 months and anything after was a bonus, then at around 10.5-11 months he just stopped with no warning and I struggled with not knowing the last feed was the last.
A few months later I was pregnant again and I knew I would 100% breastfeed again. Again my little boy latched straight away but this time I was faced with a bit more pain in the beginning and towards the end. He fed less regularly than my 1st so I thankfully wasn’t as exhausted. He was also a dream to feed, I feel very lucky with my boys.
The trouble I had was almost everyone else (except my husband) my family couldn’t understand it, were rude and almost embarrassed if I fed in front of them to the point I never fed my first son in public. They told me that I was being selfish not letting my husband feed our child, despite me giving him the best possible start. I am so glad I remained strong, determined and didn’t listen to them. With my second boy I joined a breastfeeding support group to help get over my fear of feeding in public. It massively helped and I quite happily fed him anywhere.
When my second son was 11 months old I decided myself to stop. In 3.5years I had only 2months where I wasn’t pregnant or breastfeeding and I felt like I needed my body back as my own. I think this should be normalised and no one should feel bad for this.
I am so proud of myself for giving my boys the best start in life. Woman are amazing to grow a baby for 9 months and be their only food source for 6, wow!
